Article archive
Candidate Forum and Wellington Heights Updates
10/29/2019 11:33
A Couple of Updates
1. City Candidate Forum
This came off smoothly thanks to the coordinated efforts of volunteers of several different neighborhood associations. Despite the heavy rain and competing community events, about 75 people showed up ...
City Candidate Forum at Garfield Elementary on Thursday, October 17
10/06/2019 19:20
City Candidate Forum
Thursday, October 17, 2019, 7:00-8:30 pm
Garfield Elementary School Gym
325 Plymouth Street NW
Presented by the Olympia Council of Neighborhood Associations (CNA):
Candidate Forum Survey for fall election
09/11/2019 19:32
The Olympia Council of Neighborhood Associations (CNA) is sponsoring 2 candidate forums for the upcoming City Council elections -- one on the eastside and the other on the westside. We have created a SurveyMonkey to gather questions from neighborhood residents. Please share the...
September updates
09/11/2019 12:23
The agenda for the September SWONA meeting is on the 'agenda' link on the left side of this webpage. We will have a bunch of updates on stuff happening in the neighborhood, including a longer follow up discussion on whether we should engage in a Subarea Planning process. We have...
SWONA Annual Picnic A Success
09/01/2019 12:51
Our annual neighborhood picnic was graced with a beautiful summer day, the volunteer planning committee up and at ‘em early raising tents, firing up the grill and preparing the kids’ games. We decorated the park fence with a row of tall and colorful windsocks that set the tone of celebration and...
Special Planning Commission Meeting for Capital Facilities Plan, Monday, September 9
09/01/2019 12:46
The Olympia Planning Commission special meeting agenda for Monday, 09/09/2019, is available for viewing on the City website, City of Olympia - Calendar. The meeting packet will be available on the City website through the ”meeting details” tab, City of Olympia - Meeting of Planning...
09/01/2019 12:42
On June 6th and 13th, 2019, Alex Vo purchased two, mandatory advertizements in the Yelm and Nisqually Newspaper seeking public comment on his request for a Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) from the Department of Ecology for his “Wellington Heights” project. This permit was required...
We've changed our contact e-mail
08/26/2019 19:46
Hi neighbors - We've updated our contact e-mail to . Please make a note of it.
June 2019 meeting minutes
08/13/2019 19:56
Southwest Olympia Neighborhood Association
Quarterly Membership Meeting
Thursday, June 20th, 2019
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Held at Gloria Dei Church
Roughly 35 people in attendence
Everyone in the room introduced themselves and noted where they live in the Southwest...
June 2019 SWONA meeting minutes are posted
08/13/2019 19:50
June 2019 SWONA meeting minutes are now available under the 'meeting minutes' link on the left side of the main webpage
Items: 51 - 60 of 148