August Events
Hi folks – Last week we had a couple of virtual meetings, with the Mural Project volunteers meeting Tuesday and the SWONA Board meeting Wednesday. Here’s a summary of the outcome of those meetings:
On Tuesday, August 3, we will be having an in-person meeting for folks interested in the Mural Project to brainstorm a design. This will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. outdoors at West Central Park (WCP). The plan is to have a tripod set up with a whiteboard at the shelter by the bandstand to map out ideas and then how we decide what to implement. I will also go over some the paperwork requirements that the City requires for volunteers under the Neighborhood Matching Grant. If you can’t make this meeting but still want to contribute your ideas, e-mail us at Since we have WCP representation on the Mural Project committee, I would also like to make a plug for their summer concert series. You can find the current calendar here:
August 3 is also Primary Election Day. We sent out candidate information in an earlier entry and will be working with other neighborhood associations (Olympia Council of Neighborhood Associations or CNA) to put on a (hopefully in-person with TVW recording) Candidate Forum sometime in October. Stay tuned.
The SWONA Board decided, in light of uncertainties with the Delta variant, to have a Zoom rather than an in-person meeting for the next quarterly meeting Thursday, September 16. We will be setting up a Post Office Box shortly so that we have a place to mail dues until we can meet again in person – we’ll have an update on that soon. We are also exploring online options for paying dues as well. I chatted with the folks at Gloria Dei yesterday so we do have a reservation for the December meeting and hopefully we can meet in person then.
We have set a date of Saturday, August 28 for this year’s Front Yard Singout event and will have more information on that as we get closer to the date.
Another thing in the neighborhood. Art in the Alley is also having another show on Saturday, August 7. You can find out more about that event here: (20+) Art 'N The Alley | Facebook
So, lots of stuff happening this month besides vacations and summer house projects.