Fern Street Sidewalk Project
The following email from Olympia Public Works Department Project Manager Randy Wesselman To SWONA President Mark Toy communicates that status of the Fern Street Sidewalk Project.
Southwest Olympia Neighborhood Association (SWONA)
Mark Toy, President
Dear Mark:
The City of Olympia will construct a sidewalk on the west side of Fern Street, between 9th Avenue and the south entrance to Cambridge Court Apartments. See the attached Construction News Postcard for more information. The GOOD NEWS is we bid the project in January 2019 and received favorable bids. We will meet with the successful Contractor in mid-February 2019 and potentially start construction as early as the last week of February 2019.0
As part of construction of the new sidewalk, the City will install new ADA accessible curb access ramps at the intersection of 9th Avenue and Fern Street. This requires removal of some vegetation and landscape rocks in the right-of-way at the SWONA Walking Park, Welcome Spot, located on the southeast corner of the intersection. We are notifying you so that the Neighborhood Association has the opportunity to remove and transplant the vegetation and relocate the landscape rocks before we start construction.
I have attached a project plan sheet, which shows the area on the southeast corner of the intersection that we are referring to.
I hope to meet soon with you or a neighborhood representative at the site affected by this project. We can then discuss whether you wish to salvage the vegetation and landscape rocks, or leave them to the contractor to remove/dispose of them.
Please let me know if you have any questions, or need additional information. My contact information is listed below.
Randy Wesselman
Project Manager
Olympia Public Works Department, Engineering
(360) 753-8477
FAX (360) 709-2797
P.O. Box 1967, Olympia, WA 98507-1967
601 4th Avenue E
City Website: www.olympiawa.gov
Fern St Post Card Jan 2019.pdf (1624883)
Fern St Sidewalk - SWONA Walking Park.pdf (231998)