Meeting minutes 9/19/2013
09/22/2013 17:07
September 19, 2013
SWONA Meeting
Call meeting to order by President Brad O’Brien at 7pm
6 members in attendance plus 4 Board Members
Jean Caldwell-Treasurer’s report-$1,211 in bank
Request for reimbursement: $290 request from Bethany W. for mulch for Welcome Spot at Fern Street Motion to accept and pay bill, seconded, motion carried unanimously to repay Bethany
Information regarding status of the Welcome Spot at 9th and Fern provided by Jean as Bethany had contacted owners, SWONA’s status is the same as it has always been, we have a verbal agreement that we can keep weeding and upgrading the corner. The property is not for sale at this time.
Another request for reimbursement: Dan Leahy printed flyers and requested reimbursement (flyers provided positions by candidates running for city council in regards to opening Decatur) By-laws require a bill be presented and vote to members
Brad (President) mentioned that Diana Renison thought that crime watch signs for neighborhood might be a good idea, if she takes project forward SWONA will be happy to consider reimbursement or help in the process
Voting Members currently-68 households with 104 members
Fern Street corner looks Amazing, Thank you to all the volunteers for cleaning the corner of weeds and other unwanted items!
Phil Cornell (Vice President) found memo from Dan Leahy regarding the flyers, Dan indicated that they would be approximately $200 if copied by Kinkos. Suggestion that SWONA can consider payment if Dan brings Jean a bill and the cost is between $200 to $225. Proposal that upon receiving the receipt we will reimburse Dan up to $225
Motion proposed, seconded and passed by members in attendance.
Issue: regarding attendance at tonight’s meeting, signs were not put up in the neighborhood or reminders about the meeting sent out in a timely fashion, Diane Devoe mentioned putting up a notice at the Decatur Woods Park. Maybe post at the new West Central Park. Next meeting we will be more diligent in posting notices in the right of ways of the neighborhood.
Next agenda item: the Bylaws of SWONA , Phil-V.P. brought copies of the bylaws, suggestion to send the bylaws to the members and at the annual meeting discuss changes or ideas (annual meeting in March) One item in the bylaws says that meetings must be posted in the local newspaper, somewhat outdated , Phil has made some notations and potential alteration, suggestion to send out approximately 3 weeks before the next meeting on November 21, officially we are part of the City government so SWONA does need by-laws
Loraine Snell offered to print out new posters for meetings, SWONA can also reimburse for ink used to print the posters
Brad discussed the NWONA-SWONA meeting earlier in the month regarding crime, Amy Stull from the City and officer Bill Wilson from OPD were there. General comments: crime is up a little bit from past year, traffic violations are not the focus of patrol vehicles, vehicle prowl or theft is higher focus, ideas to help before a theft occurs, take pictures of your valuables, jot down serial numbers, make an inventory of your important stuff, possibly use the “sky” or “cloud” drive on your computer so information can be accessed later if your computers are stolen, avoid leaving laptops or electronics in your cars if you are not there, lock your cars and your homes, two homes are being watched on the Northwest side and possibly one on the Southwest side, also door strips that will trigger an alarm are relatively cheap to purchase, Officer Bill did indicate that there could be safety issues involved if Decatur Street is opened
Good turnout at that meeting.
West Central Park Meeting was Tuesday 9-17 at Gloria Dei, their board members were there to fund raise and answer community questions regarding the park, looking for donations and volunteers, Fund raising Gala will be held this fall, “A Park for Us”, if SWONA wants to contribute funds, maybe offer a motion at the annual meeting, this park is privately owned by an individual, not city owned
Other agenda items: Phil wants to know if SWONA wants to make a position statement on the low barrier shelter being considered on the east side of Olympia. Consideration by folks in attendance, individual letters to the editor or contact counsel members regarding how a person feels about the issue, due to the nature of the topic, best to go individually
Any other topics?
NWONA and SWONA working on a candidate forum in October. Brad and Erica, Presidents of each neighborhood assoc. are organizing this forum
Meeting officially adjourned 8:10pm
Meeting Minutes prepared by
Janis Rich
Janis Rich