Poetry Post Dedication

04/18/2017 12:09

Poetry Post Dedication

May 13, 2017

12:00 to 2:00 PM

Decatur Pathway

(South end of Decatur St SW)


The South West Olympia Neighborhood Association, SWONA, will be dedicating the new Poetry Post as an addition to the public art theme that is developing in Olympia.  This installation is part of the Neighborhood Pathways Program and is the final step in the completion of our project. 


This post is a replacement for the original Poetry Post that stood here for many years.  There were always poems, rants, and all kinds of writings and art work attached to the original post and we, SWONA, would like that to continue. 


If you have an “artsy” piece of iron laying around, bring it on May 13th and we will have it welded to the vine that surrounds the post.  Also bring any poems or writings that you would like to post on the “Post”.  Hint; writings on plain paper will last longer if written in pencil rather than pen, rain streaks the ink but won’t affect the pencil as much.


The new post is built to withstand many years of use and is securely “planted” next to one of our new planting beds along the Decatur Pathway.  The pet waste collection station has been moved to directly across the pathway from the Poetry Post location and has an original poem, by Phil Cornell, reminding neighbors to pick up after their pets.


Come and join us as we open a new chapter in the long history of the Poetry Post and our neighborhood.


Phil Cornell

President – SWONA