Swona meeting Sept 18, 2014
11/15/2014 10:43
Swona Meeting Minutes
Prepared by Janis Rich
Meeting came to order at 7:15 by V.P. Phil Cornell
Approximately 15 neighbors in attendance
Treasurer’s report: in checking account $832.36 less checks to Phil for reimbursements for SWONA signage, approximately $300 committed to pay for project work on the walking park
Agenda Items and Discussion
Phil discussing Decatur Pathway park-proposed to city, they are examining said proposal, Phil passed out timeline for the significant events, cost estimates will be submitted to Bike-Pedistrian committee, 15th of November City council will award the grant-we will be one of four proposals, approximate budget for the project will be $5k over two years, waiting for city to come up with their budget estimates, city will put in lighting, we will put in landscaping
Many people do use this path as a bike route and to make it functional and beautifying the path would help to keep Decatur closed-comp plan still shows Decatur as a Major Collector, would be nice to be able to add this path on biking maps, it is on the proposed bike corridor map that the county is producing, PSE will be beautifying their sub station per Phil’s investigation, Amy Towsley at PSE said that there are real plans to beautify this area sometime “this year”
Poetry Post-in very sad shape, identifying what needs to be done to make it a better site, approx $200 is in the pathways proposal, needs a good cleaning, deleting the graffiti is key, looking for ways to enrich the wood, dried out currently, post has been burned, looking to get away from wood, also need more people in the area to take care of the post and also to make it larger so that more folks see the post on their way through the pathway, suggest a “friends of Poetry Post” or “friends of Poetry” cadre be established, want to keep it from appearing abandoned Question?: what kind of poetry is posted? Answer: all kinds, from lovely verse to ranting
Move that Beverly and Barb be authorized to spend up to $100 to beautify the post, one member is not supporting this motion, not because he doesn’t believe in the goal but because it is in an area that is prone to vandalism and no one really to watch over it, he does not feel this is SWONA’s issue, there are other issues more important, after comments, motion passes, Phil passing out poetry post volunteer sign up sheet and the Pathways volunteer sign up sheet also, work to begin April 2015
George Johnson, the neighbor that lives on the pathway, is on a well, he has agreed to let us use his water once the plantings are in
Dean received a call from Bethany about the bridge on 9th and Fern at the welcome site, the bridge has been repaired. Bethany gave history of the corner improvements on this site as well as how and why walking park established. Plan to cardboard, mulch this spot and paint the bridge, work party September 28th if you are available, approx 10am to 2pm. Bring tools, gloves, or whatever you can and have some fun.
Phil presented Motion to amend by-laws to change automatic checks for purchases under $35.00 to $50.00, Bethany said we only need a quorum to authorize a person to be able to spend x $, no need to change the bylaws
Kate and Steve offered to put up SWONA meeting notice signs; they will contact Brad (former president) to take over the process
There are two SWONA Facebook pages. One is a private post only under Phil Cornell, one way posting, and the other one is more interactive, you could post photos and talk to each other, the latter has someone actually working the website, if you have a Facebook page you can join
We can add an at-large board member. Someone has interest in being this person. No further discussion
West Central Park is having a Harvest Fest
October 4th noon to 4pm
SWONA hats are for sale, $15.00 with $4.50 going to West Central Park
Neighborhood Bar-B-Que? No further discussion
Per one neighbor, called the city regarding the homeless camp at end of Decatur, city will not do anything unless they are on city property and if they are on private property it is up to the owner. Concerns about safety. No further discussion
Adjourn meeting at 8:15
Next Meeting November 20th