Wellington Heights
At the most recent SWONA meeting on September 20, the consensus of those present was to put on the SWONA website ways in which folks could articulate their opposition to the proposed Wellington Heights development. I will be combing past e-mails for the last year from Dan Leahy and others to summarize how we got here and what we need to do going forward. To find out more about the Wellington Heights proposal, including comments that others have made to this point, please go to the City of Olympia website (www.olympiawa.gov) and enter ‘Wellington Heights’ in the search space. This is the time to make your voices heard. Comments so far have commented on serious concerns for traffic, stormwater, and the pressures to open Decatur and 16th Street to Highway 101 traffic, degrading the character of our neighborhood.
~Mark Toy
Download Resources to Oppose Wellington Heights.doc (43 kB)